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Eldora is the last unit in the 1st half of 8th 7-star barch that has recently come to Global client. He is potentially good for water and thunder contents!
(Click here for Cyan review)
(Click here for Adel review)
Electrical storm Eldora Unit Artwork

Lord Stats/Imps
HP:  7002 (1500)
Atk: 2554 (300)
Def: 2306 (300)
Rec: 2107 (300)

11 (3 DC) / 42 Cost

LS: Electric Water Scales
6-8 BC fill on critical + 30%HP + 15% Reduction to Thunder/Water damage

BB: Divine Thunder Roar - BC Cost: 27 // Max BC Gen: 15
15 Hits, 300% AoE (ATK+100) + 40% Crit rate buff for 3 turns + 8 BB fill

SBB: Chrysaor Rector - BC Cost: 24 // Max BC Gen: 18
18 Hits, 540% AoE (ATK+100) + 60% Crit rate buff for 3 turns + 50% Crit damage for 3 turns + 8 BB fill 

UBB: Sacred Thunder Shrine - BC Cost: 20 // Max BC Gen: 20
20 Hits, 1200% AoE (ATK+100) + 20% HP -> Atk Convert buff for 3 turns + 300% Crit modifier buff for 3 turns

ES: Cultivated Friendship
Boost 50% Atk when BB gauge is full

Arena Type: 2

Quick Unit review and Analysis:

  • Firstly, stats. This guy has a mostl average spread, but he has got really high HP. Even higher after imps. 8.5k HP after imps without even needing Anima typing - that's pretty impressive.
  • 33 drop checks, plenty high Atk, AoE BB with a damage buff, BC fill on the rest of the units in case it somehow doesn't kill... if his ES was arena-relevant and he had type 3 AI he'd pretty much a perfect unit for it.
  • His LS is interesting enough. 30% HP is fine, crit BC is fine - looks like Glyph or Reis up to here - and then he decides to be a niche unit and get 15% resist to Water and Thunder.
    • Until his LS was added I expected him to be a crit leader, but we got a niche effect instead. He's obviously built for the relatively rare Thunder/Water bosses, where he'd be a plenty viable defensive leader choice, but if his resists aren't important, Reis and Glyph are strictly better.
    • It's worth noting: For Ishgrian dragons, the LS always includes 15% resist to their own element and the element they're effective against. It appears to be a cycle of units that Alim are splitting over multiple batches, so expect the Light and Earth dragons to be similar. Ragzaberum was kinda the exception, but that's probably because he is not an Ishgrian dragon.
  • His ES is pretty weak. 50% ATK when the BB gauge is full? The infinite SBBers get 80% Atk under this condition and by their very nature always fulfil it. It's not a drawback to have, but... it's not good, either.
  • His BB is an AoE with 40% crit chance buff, and 8 instant BC fill. Obviously instant BC fill always has a potential use to emergency fill a mitigator, but 40% crit rate needs sphere/LS support. It's also lower than the crit rate buff on his SBB, so... it's a BB you want to avoid using unless you need the BC fill.
    • Great for arena, though.
  • His SBB ups the crit chance buff to 60%, adds a 50% crit damage buff and keeps the 8 BC fill. I'm split on this one - it's a strong combination, but if you want to capitalize on crit damage you'd generally take a crit damage leader.
  • His UBB adds a 20% HP -> Atk convert buff (stacks with BB/SBB converts, so it's fine albeit weak), and 300% crit damage. It's all about damage and it does a lot of it - maybe not on Nemethgear's level, but still quite powerful.
    • But anywhere crit damage is useful you're probably using a crit damage leader, not Eldora.
Nice dragons! This one is arguably a lot better than Magnazorda and Zerafalgar, at least. I think it's pretty clearcut where you will be using this one - Water/Thunder content as a leader. Against content that resist crit damage you might use him as a sub instead of Reis or Griff for  his instant BC fill, depending on elemental matchups on Griff's part, but you'd never use him as leader over them if his mitigation isn't relevant



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