As announced by Gumi before, 2 new Global Exclusive Units shall be released by the end of November. And now we can finally summon them! Let's see if these guys can be as good as previous Exclusive Units
Lord Stats/Imps
HP: 6973 (1000)
Atk: 3101 (600)
Def: 2357 (400)
Rec: 1901 (300)
13 (3DC) / 42 Cost
LS: Infernal Furor
+ 40% HP/Atk, +175% Crit Damage, 3-6 BC fill when Attacked, +50% Atk when BB gauge is full
BB: Velkar Fissure - BC Cost: 26 // Max BC Gen: 16
16 Hits AoE 250-500% based on HP lost (Atk+100), 2 turns Def Ignore, 3 turns +150% Atk +60% Crit chance, 40% BB self-fill.
SBB: Shakti Dabana - BC Cost: 27 // Max BC Gen: 19
19 Hits AoE 400-800% based on HP lost (Atk+100), 3 turns +75% Crit Damage, 3 turns convert 20% HP to Atk, +10% Max HP
UBB: Agni lagana - BC Cost: 25 // Max BC Gen: 2
2 Hits AoE 1200-3000% based on HP lost (Atk+100), 3 turns +300% Crit Damage, 3 turns convert 50%HP to Atk, + 100% Max HP to self
ES: Primal Bloodlust
Negate critical, elemental damage + 200% BB modifier when Vulcan Axe is equipped.
ES Sphere: Vulcan Axe - Stats Boost - increase 30% ATK/HP/Crit chance, +50% Atk when BB gauge is full
Arena Type: 3
Arena Type: 3
Quick Unit review and Analysis:
- A strong stats spread that enables Korzan to hit around 3940 Atk with Breaker type. He also has the highest base Atk in the game, while still maintaining above average HP and around average Def. Rec suffers a lot to compensate but it is still bearable.
- Incredibly strong arean specs combined with his ES, BB buff, Atk stat and optional LS. He still falters a little in challenge area where his ES doesn't function as it requires a sphere, but with his monstrous Atk stat he doesn't entirely need it.
- 40% HP/Atk and an Atk boost at full BB may make him a great challenge area lead (for non-empty BB starts). At 50%, he is a little weaker than other Atk leaders, but 40% HP is significant considering how challenge arena HP bars work.
- 40% HP paired with BB when attacked is a great Trial/GQ LS pairing, even if the enemies resist crits. 3-6 BC fill when attacked is actually strongest iteraion of this effect on an LS to date.
- People probably want an Avant comparison due to the crit damage being the highest LS seen at 175%, so:
- Korzan: 175% crit damage, ~90% modifier if BB gauge is full (+20% more Atk from buffs, added value of HP -> Atk convert due to more HP/higher buff), 40% UP
- Avant: 150% crit damage, 100% BB modifier, 70% Spark damage, 40% HP
- If you are bad at sparking, Korzan may well be worth more damage than Avant. That's up to the player. However, with a decent spark rate, Avant does win this damage combination.
- ES makes him safe to use in any content, and gives him a lump sum of BB modifier.
- Specifically, +200% BB Mod is huge, giving him a base modifier of 450% on BB and 600% on SBB, allaying any fears about his low HP requirement.
- The Sphere itself is basically Duel's Fragment with an Atk boost on full BB instead of crit BC fill. Good for Zedus OTKO strategies - it'll let you use damage pumping units earlier tha Zedus (e.g. Gazia)
- 30% crit isn't much more than 20%, but it can be significant against crit resistance
- BB is basically Avant-but-better, with a modifier increasing based on how low his HP is, a 150% Atk buff (Avant gets 130%), a full 60% crit buff and Def ignore for kicks.
- He has got plenty of modifier and doesn't absolutely rely on the low HP requirement, especially with his ES. 100% base + 250% at max HP + 150% Atk buff + 80% from his sphere + 200% ES = 780%. Avant gets 680% (with Dandelga equipped), and has lower base Atk as well.
- Def Ignore is boring and lame most of the time, but Atk buff and crit rate boost is strong
- He gets a bit of BB cashback here. May not be worth much in the long run, but he's already doing more than a similar meta unit. 40% BB fill is just short of enough to use his BB everyturn. With a decent BB regen effect or just taking a single hit with his LS he'll be able to. SBB doesn't get this BC fill though.
- SBB is a strong AoE (with the same HP scaling bonus; 780% min/1180% max at 1 HP with ES active and no buffs) with a crit damage bugg, HP -> Atk convert and HP increase buff
- Interesting that his SBB is barely stronger than his BB without his BB buffs, though arguably weaker with a lack of crit rate.
- Crit damage boosts are normally pretty weak. As a crit leader, this is actually also got an inherent weakness of no crit chance buff on SBB, as with Avant, making this SBB less valuable by itself.
- His crit damage is unprecedented on an attacking unit at 75%, however. Suck it, Charla.
- HP -> Atk convert is weird on a unit that relies on having low HP (HP conversion uses current HP, not max HP...) But at 20% converted he gets more than Avant (still less than Lucius)
- HP buffs are super awsome, though! It's lower than Lucius at 10% but the rest of his kit is arguably better. Remeber, HP buffs never fall off unless Gumi's been changing things
- His UBB is a massive nuke based on how much HP he's lost, with a full scale UBB-tier crit damage buff, 50% HP -> Atk conversion and a 100% HP increase self-buff
- Minimum damage modifier is the same as other unit's base UBB, with the possiblity of much more at low HP. At the very least he should take some damage before he can fire this, so you can expect this UBB to hit harder than most units'.
- Crit damage and HP conversion probably isn't going to match Avant/Zadus for squad damage output, so he's dependent on that HP-dependent damage boost. The HP convert is actually really high at 50%; in a high HP squad, this is comparable to 200-250% BB mod - it just doesn't match the spark/BB mod Avant provides, or spark/elemental weakness Zedus provides.
- HP boosts, as noted, are great. When using a single-target HP boost like this one, it's tied to his unit slot if the current squad dies in a trial (and actually moves with the attached unit if you use squad re-arrangement mid-fight). Only being for a single unit makes this less useful, however it is a 100% boost you can sneak onto a unit in squad 2 in the Lucius trial
Lord Stats/Imps:
HP: 6774 (1100)
Atk: 2650 (440)
Def: 2381 (440)
Rec: 2336 (440)
16 (3 DC)/ 42 Cost
LS: Boreal Ascendancy
+ 30% Atk/Def/Rec, 25% HP, 50% BB fill rate, +25% HC/BC drop, +150% BB Modifier
BB: Diamant Glace - BC Cost: 30 // Max BC Gen: 18
18 Hits 290% AoE (Atk+100), 3 turns + 6BC/turn, 3 turns + 130% Atk/Def/Rec, 3 turns + 50% BB fill rate
SBB: Azure Bastille - BC Cost: 26 // Max BC Gen: 20
20 Hits 540% AoE (Atk+100), + 8 instant BC fill, 3 turns + 200% BB Mod, 50% Chance for 50% Atk/Def down for 1 turn.
UBB: Hivernal Soltice - BC Cost: 25 // Max BC Gen: 22
22 Hits 1200% AoE (Atk+100), 3 turns + 50BC/turn, 3 turns +200% Atk/Def/Rec, 2 turns +500% BB Mod
ES: Ardent Ice Queen
+20% All Stats, 8 BC when attacking when Glacies Staff is equipped
ES Sphere: Glacies Staff - Stats boost - increase 20% All stats, 5-10% Reduced BB BC use, +100% BB Mod
Arena Type: 2
Quick Unit review and Analysis:
HP: 6774 (1100)
Atk: 2650 (440)
Def: 2381 (440)
Rec: 2336 (440)
16 (3 DC)/ 42 Cost
LS: Boreal Ascendancy
+ 30% Atk/Def/Rec, 25% HP, 50% BB fill rate, +25% HC/BC drop, +150% BB Modifier
BB: Diamant Glace - BC Cost: 30 // Max BC Gen: 18
18 Hits 290% AoE (Atk+100), 3 turns + 6BC/turn, 3 turns + 130% Atk/Def/Rec, 3 turns + 50% BB fill rate
SBB: Azure Bastille - BC Cost: 26 // Max BC Gen: 20
20 Hits 540% AoE (Atk+100), + 8 instant BC fill, 3 turns + 200% BB Mod, 50% Chance for 50% Atk/Def down for 1 turn.
UBB: Hivernal Soltice - BC Cost: 25 // Max BC Gen: 22
22 Hits 1200% AoE (Atk+100), 3 turns + 50BC/turn, 3 turns +200% Atk/Def/Rec, 2 turns +500% BB Mod
ES: Ardent Ice Queen
+20% All Stats, 8 BC when attacking when Glacies Staff is equipped
ES Sphere: Glacies Staff - Stats boost - increase 20% All stats, 5-10% Reduced BB BC use, +100% BB Mod
Arena Type: 2
Quick Unit review and Analysis:
- A balanced stats spread that doesn't break any boundaries. HP/Atk is a little on the highe end, but nothing extreme
- 48 drop checks is definitely on the high end. She doesn't really break any other area boundaries except for how much BB support her LS offers
- 30% Atk/Def/Rec and 25% HP is pretty solid; mass BC support and BB Atk suggests this thing will be good in all arena modes (but particularly good for Challenge Arena with turn 1 BB being a thing)
- 150% BB Mod is pretty huge for Challenge Arena, making her a slightly better lead in than most units
- The HP boost was reduced a little bit, but 5% isn't huge
- BC drop rate and BB fill rate compound multiplicatively, meaning the BC support provided by this may be absolutely huge. Depends on numbers. On the other hand, it's also majorly affected by BC resistance.
- Specifically, the total value comes out to +157% BC production unresisted, just with one of her. Add in her Ares buff, +242% BC production. A second Haile leader, +507%. 15% BC drop rate from spheres or buffs on everybody, +614%.
- You could probably scrap the second Haile leader and just use a BC drop buffer as sub, you'd still get excessive BC production (I'd say pair her with Korzan for the BC fill when attacked, and you'd have plenty of damage, plenty of BC support and and 70% HP)
- The BB fill on ES only applies when using normal attacks. Good for turn 1 in arena but of little value elsewhere. 8 BC when attacking means she only needs 7 BC drops to fill BB in regular arena matches (easy), and 33 BC drops for SBB (still a lot, but more in-line with other units for SBB)
- ES sphere at a glance looks like it will only be useful for activating the ES. It does give 100% BB mod, so +120% modifier total, but that's not an extreme amount and doesn't really compare to the better damage multiplying spheres.
- Her ES is basically just stats with a bad sphere requirement. When RC 6 comes around some people might prefer to just give her the Beiorg sphere (the one that's 40% all stats, HP regen/Heal when attacked)
- Atk/Def/Rec buffs are a strong set we've seen on a bunch of units. It's pretty contested, but she's got an unique buff pairing with it, which means she has her own squad composition potential
- BB regen is strong (6/turn - which is accetable if not top tier); BB fill rate, less so. She's clearly about BB support overall, however.
- The BB regen actually looks very week at 3/turn, while the fill rate is stronger than usual at 50%
- Atk/Def/Rec and BB fill rate dropped in favor of BB mod buffs and Atk/Def down
- Hopefully the Atk/Def down is decent. Well, don't really care about the Def down but it'll be at the same value regardless.
- 50% Atk/Def down at a 50% chance is very strong (Zedus-level)
- BB mod buff is heavily contested by Avant and Gazia. Doesn't bode well. She's only up to Avant's level, too.
- But she can pair with Korzan easily and Avant just plain can't. Gazia gets a negligible amount of clash with Korzan
- Seems like this one's a massive damage pump for crit/elemental resistant bosses. Also keeps your BB gauges filled to make full use of the BB mod boost
- Seems good by itself, though likely not as srtong as Zenia's UBB was
Korzan and Haile seem like they are both attempting to challenge meta units, but they also look like they'll work really well together for most parts. Current squads might not work with theml you'll have to adapt.
With the full stats available, both units have displayed some exceptional qualities, but there's still the issue of fitting them into our current squads. And also Hale's low BB regen buff... maybe she could be paired off with a better BC regen buffer and just only use Haile's BB every 3rd turn, though.
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