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Today we'll be having a look at Ophelia 7* form, the Earth unit from the 2nd half of the 12 Guardians batch
Brave Frontier Unit review and analysis - 7* Ophelia
Lord Stats/Imps
HP:  6649 {1100}
Atk: 2475 {440}
Def: 2094 {440}
Rec: 2201 {440}

9 (4DC) / 40 Cost

+120% ATK - Earth, Reduce BB Cost 25%, 4 BC/turn

BB: 13 BC // Max BC Gen: 14
14 Hits, 210% AoE (ATK+100), Fill 10 BC

SBB: 20 BC // Max BC Gen: 19
19 Hits, 450% AoE (ATK+100), 3 turns 7 BC/turn, Fill 10 BC, 3 turn +30% BB Fill rate

UBB: 20 BC // Max BC Gen: 23
23 Hits, 1200% AoE (ATK+100), 3 turn 30% HP -> ATK buff, Increase Max HP 20%, Heal 98999-99999 HP (+10% Target REC) for 3 turns

3-5 BC when hit

Arena Type: 3
60% Chance BB Random Enemy > 20% Chance BB Random Enemy with Highest ATK > 30% Chance Attack Enemy with lowest HP > 100% Chance Attack Random Enemy

Quick Unit review and Analysis
  • Similar stats to Ramna. A little less ATK, enough more HP and DEF to compensate, suffers more in REC. Better imp caps. Ophelia's pretty solid, although her DEF feels a little under the curve.
  • Her arena specs look pretty good at a glance. Decent drop checks with a low BC cost makes her pretty much self-sustaining even without any hit count, but she also got given type 3 AI, instant BC fill for the rest of your squad and a decent ES (averagin 4 BC fill per attack taken when she only needs 6.5? If you give her Phantom Gizmo, turn 1 BB on defense is really possible, and with that instant BC fills and LS, might even lead to turn 1 BB for the rest of your squad as well). Her damage output on BB is fairly low, however - she relies on either loads of +modifier from spheres/LS or SBB to kill targets in arena
  • Her LS is arena-worthy. I wouldn't use it anywhere else. Unfortunately, earth is simply not a strong element in the arena at the moment, but if you pair her with 24 BC cost or less units (e.g Quaid) and give Ophelia Phantom Gizmo as mentionied, you can have an entire squad fill for turn 1 BB on the defensive as long as Ophelia survives a single hit. Which is, to be honest, not likely in today's meta without an angel idol or high value Elgif, buy you know.
    • Worth noting if you do that strategy, type 2 AI works better than usual as no enemy will have taken damage at the start of the turn. On the other hand, do you really want to give Ophelia Phantom Gizmo? I guess Demon Core would work fairly decently as well.
  • Her ES is a pretty  decent BC fill when attacked, which leads into her LS and cheap BB as mentioned a couple times already. It is so nice in questing where it ensures that she is likely to fill BB every turn even after some BB drains. And because her BB fills other units' BBs by alot, her ES may ensure your entire squad functions through BB drain.
  • Ophelia's BB is simple, and a suprising take on what she used to do. For the low, low cost of 13 BC, she does a weak-ass AoE that insta-fills 10 BC on all your other units. That's pretty damned efficient. You can think of her BB as making sure everybody else can use their own.
    • By weak I mean it hits for about 90% modifier less that other 7* BB. It's significant in the arena, less so else where.
  • Her SBB is simply her BB, but better. We like better! It's still a low cost SBB at 33 BC total (cheaper than some units' BBs) that still fills 10 BC, but also adds 7 BC per turn (top tier regen!) and 30% Ares (less top tier thanks to Lyud...). This gives Ophelia a value of 17 BC per turn. She doesn't do big and flashy damage buffs, but... 17 BC per turn. That's enough to fill Elimo without BC drops. Hell, if you don't need more buffs you could slot a second Ophelia for 27 BC per turn, and they'd keep each other topped up to BB at a minimum (that's the fun thing about instant BC fill - it's one of the few effects that make taking dupes worthwhile outside arena, and Ophelia has the best instant BC fill in the game)
  • Finally, her UBB is... an and now for something completely different! moment. It's based around HP all of a sudden (nothing else on her even touches HP). 30% HP -> ATK convert is ok (at least it stacks with BB/SBB converts), max heal for 3 turns show up in almost every batch. 20% Max HP increase, though, that's noteworthy.
    • If you are unaware, HP buffs are permanent across all squads you have until returning to the map in rads or GQ, or just forever in quests/GGC/trials. Nothing removes them. The only downside is that an HP buffing UBB doens't stack with an HP buffing BB or SBB, though you do keep the largest buff rather than the most recent (which is just another way for HP buff is abnormal)
At a glance, people are unimpressed with Ophelia. Which probably because she looks underwhelming with how simplistic she is. But she's actually really strong BB support, and one of the few units worth taking a dupe of.



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