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Here comes the last Unit of the 8th 7-star batch. Like all Ishgrian dragons, Reviora is clearly a niche units. (But I like his Artwork)
Brave Frontier Reviora Unit Artwork

Lord Stats/Imps
HP:  6959 (1000)
Atk: 2617 (600)
Def: 2603 (300)
Rec: 1781 (400)

8 (3 DC) / 42 Cost

LS: Shining Darkness Scales
15% reduction Dark/Light damage, + 30% HP + 10 BC when damage taken exceeds 5000

BB: Absolute Ruin - BC Cost: 24 // Max BC Gen: 12
12 Hits AoE 300% (Atk+100), + 4-5BC fill when attacked buff for 3 turns

SBB: Void Ancestry - BC Cost: 28 // Max BC Gen: 19
19 Hits AoE 480% (Atk+100, 100% modifier increase per use, max 5 stacks ~ 980% mod), +40% BB gauge fill rate buff for 3 turns

UBB: Dark Nihility - BC Cost: 25 // Max BC Gen: 21
21 Hits AoE 1200% (Atk+100), + 50BC fill when attacked for 3 turns, + 500% BB/SBB/UBB mod buff for 3 turns.

ES: Bearer of Chaos
5-8% HP drain, 100% chance

Arena Type: 2

Quick Unit review and Analysis:
  • He's got an offensive stats spread after imps, but manages to have a decent HP and Def despite their below average imp caps. Low Rec, however.
  • Lowest drop checks in the batch. Decent damage output and AoE BB mean he is usable in the arena, but the average dark unit is a better dark unit. Because Dark's good in arena most of the time.
  • His LS adds 30% HP, a fun new effect where units get a large amount of BC (10) whenever they're dealt enough damage (5000), and 15% light/dark mitigation. It's a strong BC fill effect that I'm not sure if it can trigger more than once per turn, but relying on your enemies to deal lots of damage is not welcoming and risky. Still, 30% HP and mitigation against the most common trial elements? It's only a little below Grahdens on survivability, but you get that BC fill effect and 7* stats/buffs...
  • ES is one we've seen plenty of before - Reviora will heal based on 5~8% of the damage he deals. He deals a lot of damage, so this can be pretty significant.
  • BB is an AoE that adds a 4-5BC fill when attacked buff for 3 turns. It doesn't clahs with anything else he does, and as it's only on his BB you can avoid it if you have a better version for the buff in your squad - because higher value BC when attacked buffs are pretty common nowadays. If you don't have one, it's better than nothing, but this alone is not the reason he'd be slotted for most players.
  • His SBB does something new and interesting! It increases in damage everytime you use it. This counter probably resets between waves, but at the cost it has I doubt you have to use it literally every turn to maintain it. The SBB also adds a 40% Ares buff, which is pretty nice - Ares buffs on SBB are normally 30%, so it is indeed stronger than usual.
  • Finally, his UBB combines 2 effects we've already seen before - it gives 50 BC fill when attacked for 3 turns, and 500% BB modifier increase for 3 turns. It's a nice combination to use if you know your opponent's going to spam AoE and you want to spam SBB for a few turns in a low BC gen fight.
Overall, I don't think Reviora has enough squad support to be used as filler - he only really has 2 roles as filler, one of them is not important due to BC resists these days and the other one is done better by many units now - but his capabilities are still nice to have as a bonus if you take him for his LS - which as mentioned, might be competition from Grahdens.



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